Shop for sale Turku

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Shop for sale Turku

You have made this search: Shop for sale Turku, and have therefore come to, Europe's big portal for commercial real estate. Please note that the search results below not necessarily match your search Shop for sale Turku. If you don't find commercial real estate that matches your search, you can use the filter above to find commercial rentals that match your search. It is emphasized that you should also uphold the law when renting or letting.

What is Turku?

Turku is a city in Finland. It is located on the southwest coast of the country, and is the capital of the region of Finland Proper. The city has a population of over 200,000 people, making it the sixth largest city in Finland.

Turku is a popular tourist destination, due to its location on the Baltic Sea. The city has a long history, and was the capital of Finland from the 13th century until 1812. Today, Turku is home to a number of universities and other educational institutions.

The city has a medieval feel, with its narrow streets and old buildings. Turku is also known for its lively nightlife and vibrant culture.

If you're looking for a city with a mix of history and modernity, Turku is the perfect place for you.

The river Aura runs through Turku, and there are a number of bridges crossing it. The Turku Castle is located on an island in the river. The castle has been a witness to many important events in Finnish history.

Turku is a city with something for everyone. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or just want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, Turku is the perfect place for you.

What is a shop? 

A shop for rent is a commercial space that can be used as a business location and is designed to sell a physical product, such as clothing, appliances, groceries, etc. There are shops for rent throughout the country, but they are usually located where potential customers are, i.e., in commercial areas, shopping malls, shopping centers, or pedestrian streets.

Retail spaces can be small or large, and they can be part of a larger complex or a standalone building. A shop for rent is a retail space that you can rent by either paying an amount monthly or quarterly. There are also shops for sale, which you can purchase and, therefore, don't pay rent for.